Another First Post

I had a long day at work but because I made a large batch of congee yesterday, I was able to put on Snoopy in Space as soon as I got home and work on getting this blog setup. It runs on Ghost — a version of the blogging software that is much more advanced than the last time I used it. And yes, once again, I’ll eventually move all of my old posts over to this blog.

Edit: I moved to WordPress instead. Something about not being able to do indented Markdown lists and also no POST endpoints for API fun.

Click thru for the full thread!

I’m not entirely sure what I’ll write about. I really just know I want to write again. A lot has happened since my last post, especially professionally — I now have a much healthier relationship with my job! And I know that over time, I’ll find my voice again. In the meantime, you’ll just have to get used to me figuring out how to use words again.